At the Goolwa Church of Christ we believe that all Christians are called to use their spiritual gifts to minister and serve in the building of God's kingdom (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).

We are blessed in that all in our church who are able to do so, are actively engaged in service and care, both within our congregation and in the wider community.

Some members are set aside for specific leadership roles and responsibilities, in such areas as Pastoral Care, Friendship Centre, and Movement and Music. A Board of Administration, consisting of elected members of the congregation working with the Minister, administers the business matters of the church, and provides oversight of the ministries of the church.

Grant Simpson has retired end of April 2024, after a 5 year very successful ministry. We wish Grant and Julie all the best as they begin a new stage of life.

David Spencer who has been in training with us (mentored by Grant) will continue a 3 day a week part-time ministry for a 12-month Ministry until November 2025